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Considerations for Choosing a Type of Training Method

Writer's picture: Johanna RyanJohanna Ryan

A new software system rollout requires training for your staff. How do you plan on showing users how to effectively use the new software? Running drop-in sessions, creating online training from scratch – the options are endless. When deciding how to deliver your training, there are some factors that you should take into account. Working to understand your audience better is an excellent place to start, as this may help determine which type of training method will best suit your needs.

Types of Training Methods

You can use various types of training methods, depending on your audience and their needs and preferences. Here are a few of the training delivery options:

· Video

· Classroom

· Written

· E-Learning

Considerations for Choosing a Type of Training Method

Below are some of the factors you may want to consider when choosing the type of training method you will use to teach your staff how to use the new software.

Audience Size

If only a handful of your staff will need to use the new system, it doesn’t make a lot of sense to invest thousands of dollars in training. An in-person training session might be all your organisation needs to train 10 or fewer staff.

When implementing software that dozens or even hundreds or more of your staff will use, it’s highly worthwhile to invest in training that can be accessed and used again and again, so in-person training is a less suitable option.

Scope of Change

How comprehensive the change is and how many people it affects will determine the best rollout method. For a more widespread change, it’s ideal if you can start communicating the change in advance, letting people know that there will be a new system and showing them why this will be an excellent thing for their jobs.

The broader the scope of change is, the longer the rollout will take. This extra time offers you the opportunity to implement a more gradual training method, such as weekly videos that give future users insight into the new software.

Type of Workforce

The training created for blue-collar workers should be different from what is developed for corporate staff. In a more corporate work environment, many staff are at their computers all day and may be more used to reading long documents and manuals.

Blue-collar workers, such as mechanics, may not take the time to read a user guide. These workers may respond better to watching videos or completing interactive training such as an e-learning course. Ideally, these could be accessed on their phones or tablets if they are not workers who are often at a computer.

Workplace Environment

Do your staff work together in an office building, or do you have some remote workers? Perhaps many of your staff are out with clients or onsite more than they are present in the office. The variety of work styles in your organisation significantly impacts the type of training method you might use. It may not be feasible to get everyone together in a room to teach them a new system.

If you have a variety of flexible workers, you may benefit from training that can be accessed from anywhere, anytime, so your staff are not limited as to when they can attend.

Type of Software

Will the software you’re implementing be used predominantly on a computer or more often on a mobile phone? Your training method should match how the users will access the software.

For example, if staff will primarily use the software on their phones, you could offer e-learning or videos that users can view on any device. If the software is mainly accessed on a computer, you might run a drop-in session where people bring their laptops to learn how to use the software.

Need Advice?

If you’re unsure which type of training method will be most beneficial for your staff, get in touch with Follow My Lead. We specialise in a variety of training solutions such as interactive e-learning courses and software tutorial videos. We would be happy to chat and offer advice on which training method best suits your organisation.

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