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What does online training look like? 

Training videos, online courses and an introductory 'first look' are all examples of the services we can offer.  


The content and style of each project varies according to the business, the material and the learners. However the samples below will give you a good indication about what to expect.

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Training videos allow users to follow step-by-step process instructions. They can pause or rewind at any time, and watch the video over and over without embarrassment. 


Videos are usually between 4 - 6 minutes in length.

Each video focuses one one process, or component of a process.  

Harvest Time Tracking:

Harvest is a modern time tracking software that enables you to log time and expenses against your business projects for accurate billing and reporting.

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Driversnote Mobile App: 

The Driversnote app allows employees at Switch Solutions to log business trips taken in their personal vehicle and submit monthly reports for reimbursement. 

(can include video components)

eLearning offers an interactive learning experience that keeps users engaged and makes learning fun. 

Our courses can features text, images, videos and interactive games.

You can also choose to include a quiz at the end to demonstrate learning and comprehension. 


eLearning courses can be used alone, or with a Learning Management System to track and report on learner progress.

Workplace Fatigue

Identifying and managing fatigue as a PCBU (persons conducting a business or undertaking). Interactive features are included throughout with a quiz at the end. 

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Harvest Time Tracking:

Harvest is a modern time tracking software that enables you to log time and expenses against your business projects for accurate billing and reporting.

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Driversnote Mobile App: 

The Driversnote app allows employees at Switch Solutions to log business trips taken in their personal vehicle and submit monthly reports for reimbursement. 


Introducing a new system?

A 'first look' video generates excitement and positivity!

Change is always difficult, and it's vital to communicate effectively to your staff why a system change is coming and what's in it for them. Including a first look video as part of your change management strategy will ensure everyone understands the benefits and make your transition will be a lot smoother.

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First Look for TPL Technology

Short, regular release tip videos are a great way to increase the skills of your current workforce. 

These videos feature Word and Google tips, but this format can be applied to any software system. 

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Using Word Templates
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Searching for Images

Great training or marketing video content to showcase software

"Sacha is fantastic to work with, her passion for delivering great results and excellent outcomes for her clients is matched by her curiosity and creativity in developing her business.
I would highly recommend Sacha for anyone looking for great training video content or marketing video content to showcase software.
I look forward to working again with Sacha.

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